The Best Rabbit Litter Boxes

Let's face it. Rabbit poo is not the best part of owning a bunny. However, it can be much more manageable if your fuzzy friend is partially potty trained. With the help of a rabbit litter box, this is possible. Rabbit litter boxes provide your pet with a safe, stress-free spot for them to do their business. There are a lot of options out there, but luckily we've helped narrow the search for you.

What to Look For

To help you find the perfect potty spot for your bunny, we’ve gathered and reviewed the best versions available to buy today. We asked ourselves the following questions: Will my rabbit be able to fit on this easily? Is the litter box this easy to clean? The Humorous P. Rabbit littler box took the number one spot due to its impressive functionality and bonus gifts. We also enjoyed Kathson’s litter box for its extra-strong base. Read on to learn more about our favorite picks. We’re certain you’ll find the perfect litter box for your rabbit.

Humorous P. Rabbit Litter Box

Potty train in style

Train your beloved rabbit with this functional and durable device. Plus, your rabbit will look quite dapper with the included bow tie and bandana.
Best Overall

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Coming in at the top of our list, this rabbit litter box is filled with useful features. To start, it sits snugly in the corner of your bunny’s cage and attaches to the walls so that it won’t wiggle or tip over during use. The platform is easy to remove for cleaning purposes, and the catch-all area can be dumped or washed out with water whenever necessary. The free gifts make this purchase fun, too, since so many of us love to spoil our pets each day.


  • We like that this rabbit litter box has built-in guardrails, so urine is less likely to spray out when your pet relieves itself.
  • The top crate is heavy enough that your rabbits can’t pull it off.
  • The tray can be used with or without a liner as it’s easy to sweep clean either way. A little broom and dustpan are included with the purchase for added convenience, too.


  • The attachments on the sides only work with wire cages, but we noticed the tray does just fine being set in other cage styles. It’s still fairly sturdy without being hooked on at the edges. 

Kathson Large Rabbit Litter Box

For the biggest bunnies

This rabbit litter box is tough enough to hold even the heaviest bunnies.
Most Durable

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This litter box is worth checking out if you have a large or rambunctious rabbit in the house. It’s reinforced and designed for durability thanks to its one-piece top and pull-out drawer. This means it can hold heavier bunnies. Plus, there is no lid for your pet to remove and make a mess with before you get around to cleaning their cage. The buckle on the side keeps it in place at all times. You won’t wake up to droppings spilled everywhere as the box can’t be overturned by your pet.


  • We appreciate that this product is made with stain and odor-resistant plastic. It makes the messes easier to handle.
  • The low entrance was perfect for our more mature rabbits, as they did not have to jump to enter the box.
  • The large size lets bigger bunnies sprawl out when oftentimes litter boxes are too small for them.


  • Since the grate is attached, the entire box may need to be taken out for deep cleanings. The tray is great for quick empties in between, though.

Calpalmy Rabbit Litter Box with Pads

Throw away the mess

Fill the cleaning drawer with the included potty training pads to make cleanup a breeze with this well-designed rabbit litter box.
Best With Pads

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This litter box makes the startup process simple for you, as it comes with pads to line the tray. These thin-but-absorbant sheets help maintain a clean litter box. Instead of removing the entire bin for washing every day, you can toss it out and replace it with a new one. The size is great for rabbits of all kinds, too, and the cage attachment works well to keep the box in place while your bunny does its business.


  • We like that the drawer design is quick to clean, and it does a good job of keeping litter and waste off our rabbit’s feet.
  • The plastic is extra durable, nontoxic, and BPA-free, so it’s a good product choice for the chewers in your animal family.


  • The inserts can be a little tricky to find once you run out, but folded puppy pads do the job just as well.

RUBYHOME Rabbit Litter Box

Affordably functional

This rabbit litter box works well, and it's sold at a price point that just can't be beat.
Best On A Budget

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If you haven’t yet begun your bunny’s potty training journey, you might not want to invest much money yet. Thankfully, RUBYHOME’s litter box is both affordable and functional, giving you the best of both worlds. It has a sturdy plastic base, a metal grate that comes off for easy cleaning, and solid attachments for the sides of your cage. The tall edges on the two back sides ensure rabbit waste won’t end up on your floor — a feature that’s hard to live without after experiencing for yourself.


  • We like that this product was designed after tons of testing and observation. It includes features that work well for rabbits and owners alike.
  • The bottom grate felt gentle on our bunnies’ paws, even though it was made out of metal.


  • This box may feel a little small to larger rabbits, though it was still usable.

Do all rabbits know how to use litter boxes?

No, these products will require some training before your pet puts them to use.

Do these work in all types of bunny enclosures?

Yes, but they’ll only attach to the sides of wire cages. They may wiggle around a bit in other types of homes.

About the Author

Jessica is the proud owner of two dogs: an adorable dalmatian and a very active retriever mix. With all her years of experience caring for her own pups, Jessica hopes to help other dog moms and dads make the most of their time with their furry friends by finding them products that make dog ownership convenient, easy, and fun. As a mom of two, Jessica is always looking for products that are safe for her dog, her kids, and her home.

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