The 5 Best Durable Dog Doors For A Pup On-The-Go

We grow tired of getting up every few minutes to let our dog in and out, so dog doors are a simple solution to no longer being at the beck and call of every bark.

Picture this: You’re working from home and in the zone when suddenly your dog whimpers to go outside. Okay, no big deal, right? Wrong — you’ll be playing this game all day if you don’t do something about it. That’s where the best durable dog doors come into play: A dog door allows your pup to come and go as they please without disturbing you or your door in the process. Each entry construction differs, but the primary purpose is to let your dog outside without letting the outside come in.

We’ve compiled an array of doggy doors for you to choose from so that no woofs go unattended while you attend to your work.

Best Dog Doors to Consider

The things to consider with a dog door are durability, installation, and overall security. You want your door to last, especially when paying premium prices, so it must be sturdy enough to hold up to your dog’s zoomies and the outdoor elements. Next is installation: Not everyone is handy, which is why it is important to consider if you can put in the door, or if it would be better to have a contractor do it for you. There’s no shame in a little outside help, and hiring someone could save you time and wasted materials if you don’t know what you’re doing. Last is the overall security and reliability of the door. Will it hold up to the winter and summer months? Can it be locked to keep out unwanted animals, bugs, or even people? The doggy doors on our list have various locking mechanisms or covers for when the door is not in use, which means no unwanted guests.

Now you may be asking yourself, why buy a doggy door? For starters, it’ll save you the shlep of constantly letting out your precious pooch whenever they hear the quiet rustlings of the outdoors. But the main reason: Fewer indoor accidents. Whether it’s a puppy being potty trained or just a doggo with a full bladder, a dog door allows your pet to leave with ease whenever they please. Puppy pads can become costly, and not everyone is up for the maintenance of indoor dog grass, so invest in a doggy door to save not only time but money.

PlexiDor Durable Dog Door

A doggy door is great, but unwanted visitors aren’t. The PlexiDor has a steel security plate with a lock and key attached to prevent pests, except for the ones you want, like your pet. It also has patented K-9 Composite panels which help securely close the door so that the heating and air conditioning bills never go up just because your dog can’t decide if they’d like to go outside. The Composite material is also designed not to be harmed by sunlight or oscillating temperatures. The frame is made out of solid aluminum that is not susceptible to rusting or bending, so you know your door will stand the test of time. Lastly, what we like about this dog door is that it closes quietly, so you and your pooch won’t have a fright in the middle of the night.

Gone are the days of your doggo scratching at the door, but we still can’t guarantee they won’t carry a critter in with them.


  • Made in the USA
  • It has a lock and key for security
  • 10-Year Warranty


  • It may be challenging to install
  • May need to build an extra frame to keep it secure

PATAPLUS Durable Telescoping Dog Door

The PATAPLUS dog door has a tunneled design, two locking modes, and a double magnetic flap to help aid against the drafty cold. The magnetic flaps help keep out undesired creatures but are mobile enough for your mutt to get through. Additionally, this door’s tunneled or telescopic function helps collect any rainwater or snow by creating a small hallway between the outside and the doggy door. If the door is not in use, no worries; there is a simple but sturdy aluminum slide panel to guard it. Your package will include the PATAPLUS dog door, a lock panel, an installation template, installation instructions, ten pop rivets, and six screws. The actual door your dog will go through is clouded everywhere except for one little square window so that you can see out of it, but excessive light will not shine through. Overall, this is a more simple and more affordable option.


  • Innovative tunnel design
  • Magnetic flaps to keep out cold air
  • Fogged door to keep out extreme light exposure


  • The window of the door is not entirely transparent
  • Requires glue and a drill which are not included

High Tech Pet Power Pet Durable Electronic Dog Door

For those of you who want to get fancy and futuristic with it, we have got a door for you. The High Tech Pet dog door works with a motion sensor-detected collar which is controlled by an electronic panel. The panel has various control options where you can set a timer for when you would like the door to slide open or closed. The only caveat to this method is that your dog will need a little training to understand they control the door, but that is just a matter of trial, error, and treats. This specific model has a zipping noise when the door opens and closes, which can be a little alarming to your dog; however, they will learn to love it because it will be associated with the sound of freedom.

Go ahead and get in on the modern way of letting your mutt out to make.


  • Automated doggy door, need we say more?
  • It keeps unwanted animals out with the use of the sensor collar
  • It keeps out unwanted drafts when it is closed


  • Requires a backup battery and charger, which are not included
  • A more expensive product

PetSafe Durable Glass Sliding Dog Door

Not everyone owns their own home or apartment, so it’s important to have non-invasive doggy door options that don’t require permanent changes. This PetSafe product fits along the tracks of a sliding glass door and can be altered to fit your dog’s height. The door has three insulated flaps with a magnetic seal at the bottom to ensure the cold remains outdoors.

It has a pet door top and bottom, a closing panel, connecting bars, T-brackets, a glass sweep, double-sided adhesive tape, weather stripping, screws, a security bar, a security bar bracket, and finally, a security bar clip. While this list is long, these parts simplify installation, as only a few other outside tools are needed.

Say goodbye to saws, drills, and getting tangled up in measuring tape with this all-inclusive doggy door pack.


  • Adhesive tape included
  • Removable
  • It comes with a panel that fully closes the door for when it is not in use


  • Not a permanent dog door
  • You may run into sizing issues if your sliding door is too tall or short, so measure beforehand

Ownpets Self-Closing Durable Dog Door

This dog door is mainly aimed toward screen installation but can be used with other surfaces. When doing the screen door option, you must remove your screen door entirely, place the dog door frame on it, screws it in, and cut a hole for the entrance. Cutting a hole in your screen may be alarming initially, but the door flap is self-closing and locks automatically through a powerful magnet.

We recommend this door specifically for those willing to tamper with the product a bit before installation and those looking to cut costs. Building a dog door from scratch can still be expensive; therefore, this is a foolproof solution when instructions are followed. We recommend watching the instructional video on Amazon as it takes you step by step through the installation process.

It may seem like a lot at first, but consider it a labor of love that’ll give your pup more independence.


  • An affordable product
  • Purchase supports a small business
  • The dog door and flap are scratch proof


  • It may be labor-intensive for some
  • It does not come with a screwdriver and X-Acto knife, which are needed

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I prone to break-ins if I get a doggy door?

There is no way to predict if you will be prone to break-ins, but all of these dog doors do come with security measures, so nothing can get through when they are not in use. Additionally, dog doors are designed to fit canines, not humans, so it would be hard for a person to squeeze through them. We recommend always locking up the door at night or when you are away and ensuring you have a working alarm system so you can be alerted if anyone tries to tamper with the dog door.

Why do I need a doggy door?

It can become exhausting letting your indecisive doggo in and out all day, which is why a dog door allows you both some freedom. Your dog doesn’t want to have to beg every time they need to go, and you can’t always get away from what you’re doing. This way, your dog can leave with ease, and you don’t have to worry about bugs, critters, or cold coming back in with them.

Should I hire a contractor to install a doggy door?

Whether or not you should hire a contractor comes down to your confidence in your DIY capabilities and instruction reading skills. Some people are fine with installing a dog door independently, but others can get overwhelmed by the number of tools and tinkering the process involves. We recommend reading the instructions first to see how much of a chore you find it to be before you decide to hire a contractor. If and when you read the instructions, you still feel burdened, hire a professional, but don’t see it as defeat, for it is dogged-down dedication.

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