The 5 Best Dog Muzzles For Social Interactions

Train your dog against biting and eating harmful items with help from a safe and comfortable dog muzzle.

While dog muzzles might have a negative connotation, they aren’t entirely bad. They are primarily used to teach dogs to stop biting if they have picked up this habit out of fear or imitation. While some dogs can be redirected with durable treats, a frequent biter may need this further step. It is common for dogs who were abandoned as puppies or forced to live in difficult situations to develop a tendency to bite as a form of protection.

But dogs can also wear muzzles to prevent them from eating non-food items they might find on walks or elsewhere. It is dangerous for dogs of any age to eat things they shouldn’t, so a high-quality muzzle will keep them safe.

Best Dog Muzzles to Consider

When picking out a muzzle for your dog, you should consider your dog’s size, the behavior you want to correct, and your local climate. Ensuring your dog’s muzzle fits comfortably and isn’t too tight will ensure it works properly when out and about. Most muzzles have a size guide that gives measurements for your dog’s snout circumference and length, making it easy to pick the appropriate size.

If you want to deter your dog from biting, a basket muzzle is the best choice. The muzzle sits away from your dog’s mouth, providing plenty of room to breathe and bark. And in most cases, they’ll still be able to drink water through the metal or plastic bars without discomfort. The benefit of a basket muzzle is that your dog can wear it on walks or during grooming sessions to discourage biting out of fear or anxiety.

These days, most muzzles are padded and have large breathing holes to prevent your pup from overheating. But finding one that is breathable is necessary if it gets overly hot and humid where you live. Breathable fabric muzzles are comfortable for dogs but shouldn’t be worn for long periods since they won’t be able to easily open their mouths. We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite dog muzzles to help you pick the perfect one for your pet.

BronzeDog Wire Basket Dog Muzzle

The basket design of this dog muzzle from BronzeDog uses durable metal wire and leather straps to keep it secure on your pup’s face. Appropriate for medium and large dogs, you can follow the size guide to measure your dog’s face to ensure it fits. The leather straps sit over your dog’s head and on either side of their snout, and you can adjust the buckles to keep the muzzle from falling off.

With this muzzle, your dog will still be able to pant, bark, and even drink water. The wire basket sits far enough away from their snout that it won’t put pressure on their face while wearing it.


  • Ideal for visits to the vet, grooming appointments, and daily walks
  • Stainless steel basket
  • Easy to adjust


  • Not as affordable as other options

Heele Breathable Mesh Dog Muzzle

Whether your dog is small, medium, or large, this muzzle from Heele comes in various sizes to keep them from hurting themselves and others. Designed to be worn daily or in specific situations, such as visits to the vet, your dog won’t complain while wearing this muzzle.

The lightweight material is breathable and has adjustable straps to prevent it from falling off or feeling too tight on your dog’s face. And it comes in multiple colors and sizes, so you can customize it to fit your pup.


  • The material feels soft against your pup’s skin
  • Durable plastic buckle
  • Helpful measuring guide


  • It isn’t designed to be worn for long periods

Heele Soft Nylon Print Dog Muzzle

It isn’t unusual for small dogs to get nervous or anxious when they go to the vet or groomer. Growling and biting are used as defense mechanisms to protect them in unknown situations, even if they aren’t normally aggressive with the people they know and trust.

This Heele muzzle comes in extra-small sizes to accommodate tiny pups, so they feel secure and don’t lash out in new environments. The muzzle is available in multiple adorable patterns, including floral and plaid. And you can easily adjust the head and snout straps without causing any discomfort.


  • Easy to adjust for your dog to continue panting and drinking while wearing the muzzle
  • Affordable option
  • Small enough to carry in your pocket or bag on walks


  • Not designed for dogs with short snouts

GoodBoy Gentle Muzzle Guard for Dogs

If your dog has to wear a muzzle for multiple hours, the more comfortable, the better. This one from GoodBoy has a modern design with a single padded loop that sits back from your dog’s mouth and nose. After sliding the muzzle onto your dog’s snout, you can easily secure it behind their head without trapping their ears.

The thick padded loop won’t rub, even if your pup has sensitive skin. And the high-quality straps and buckles are designed to last. This humane muzzle option allows your furry friend to drink water and bark as usual but will discourage biting and chewing.


  • Included training guide for proper use
  • You can attach the muzzle-to-collar adaptor if needed
  • Slows down fast eaters while wearing


  • It can be challenging to adjust the first time your dog wears it

CooZero Adjustable Dog Muzzle

Finding a muzzle that grows with your dog can be challenging. Thankfully, this one from CooZero fits the bill. This affordable muzzle set comes with seven muzzles of various sizes to use on your growing pup or multiple pets. The durable canvas material is lightweight and wear-resistant. And each muzzle size works in the same way with a single adjustable buckle that sits on the back of your dog’s head.

Whether you want to prevent biting or keep your dog from licking sensitive areas after surgery, this set of heavy-duty muzzles is ideal to keep on hand. Plus, they are machine washable to simplify your life.


  • Breathable material
  • Safe for daily use
  • They won’t stretch out with extended use


  • Your dog will have limited use of their mouth while wearing these muzzles

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of a dog muzzle?

Dog muzzles are not always seen in the best light, but there are a few situations where they are helpful and even necessary. If your dog has a history of biting out of aggression or fear, a muzzle will protect you and others from them in new situations. If your dog is nervous or has a complicated past, it will take them time to get comfortable when meeting new dogs and people.

You may also find it necessary to put a muzzle on your dog when taking them in for grooming sessions or vet appointments. They will likely be exposed to loud noises and unknown smells, which could potentially be overwhelming for pups of all ages. Using a muzzle will help them stay calm and ensure you stay in control of the situation. Remember, you can remove the muzzle partway through an event if your pet has calmed down enough to react rationally.

How long is it safe for a dog to wear a muzzle?

drinking needs, and barking patterns. But gentle muzzles that fit snugly around your dog’s snout are more restrictive. They should only be worn when absolutely necessary and only for a few minutes at a time to prevent discomfort and overheating.

Will a muzzle correct my dog’s negative behaviors?

On its own, a muzzle won’t automatically correct negative behaviors such as biting and barking. But a muzzle can be used when you want to protect others from your dog if they are prone to biting. You need to work with your dog in an environment where they feel safe. Whether they struggle with electric grooming tools or don’t like it when strangers pet them on the head, you can break your pup of these bad habits with hard work, determination, and lots of treats. So, while a muzzle can help in public places, you shouldn’t rely on it to put an end to your dog’s bad habits.

About the Author

Danielle is a proud dog mom of the friendliest golden retriever named Juniper. Even on bad days, Juniper has that uncanny ability to cheer her up. As a big-time dog lover, Danielle wants every person to know the joy that comes with having a four-legged friend in their lives. You can count on Danielle to find the best products for you and your pet.

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