The Best Dog Collars For Barking

All dogs bark from time to time, but the behavior can become a nuisance if it’s excessive and if the people around you are bothered by the noise. Thankfully, dog barking collars offer a gentle and effective solution.

Do you have a dog at home who just won’t stop barking? Maybe it’s every time someone passes by on the sidewalk, or maybe it’s for seemingly no reason at all. When traditional safe shocks, to teach your pet when it’s okay to bark and when it’s simply not. They’re comfortable for pups and easy for pet parents to use. Read on to discover some of the best kinds available on the market today.

Best Dog Collars for Barking to Consider

When you start searching for the best dog barking collar for your pet, there are a few things that you’ll want to keep in mind. To start, it’s important to look through your options and decide which correction method you’re most comfortable with. For example, many pet owners prefer to avoid shock use, while others feel it is required to adequately train their pup. Some of the most commonly-used options include vibration, noise, and shock collars. You can also choose from products that offer a combination of correction types.

Next, you will need to make sure the collar you choose fits your pet and its lifestyle. Most of these products are designed to suit dogs of all sizes, though special models are sometimes necessary for the smallest breeds. If your pup spends lots of time exploring outside, a waterproof product is absolutely essential. And if they spend time around other dogs, a device with prime detection will be needed to ensure they aren’t punished for other pups’ barks.

Last but not least, you will want a dog barking collar that suits your needs as a pet owner. The price should fit in with your budget. And the charging requirements should be doable with your current schedule. Can you plug in your pet’s collar every few days, or do you need one that will last for two to three weeks before running out of power?

Adjustable Dog Barking Collar

This impressive dog barking collar lets you choose what’s best for your pet. It offers three corrective modes —noise, vibration, and shock. It remembers your pet’s bark to avoid unnecessary punishment when other dogs are around. It fits dogs of almost all sizes and offers an impressive 15-day battery life. The device is easy to use with only two buttons — one to select the mode, and the other to adjust the strength. It’s comfortable for pets and comes in a variety of fun colors for pet parents to choose from.


  • Reasonably priced
  • 30-minute charge time
  • Automatic shutoff after 1 minute


  • Uses shock
  • Neck circumference must be at least 7.8” to ensure proper fit

Foraisv Dog Barking Collar

This affordable dog barking collar offers a nice combination of all of the correction types. It can be used with only beeps and vibrations, but shocks are an option if the gentler methods do not work. The collar can be used on dogs of all sizes — just cut the nylon fabric to suit your pet. The device memorizes the frequency and decibel of your pup’s bark to avoid unnecessary punishment when other dogs make noise. It can be turned off when correction isn’t needed. It has an automatic shutoff if it’s triggered more than 7 times in 1 minute. And it works for up to 15 days on a 30-minute charge.


  • Affordable
  • Offers all correction types
  • Waterproof and weatherproof


  • Includes shock
  • Requires fitting before first use

Paipaitek Dog Barking Collar

This dog barking collar leaves the control in your hands — literally. It comes with a remote control, which allows you to remind your pet to stop barking with the press of a button. It corrects behaviors with vibration, and the levels 1-100 make it easy to control dogs of all temperaments without introducing pain. The impressive battery life allows you to go up to 20 days between charges. The extended signal makes it possible to use up to 3300 feet away from your pet as well.


  • Waterproof
  • Gentle
  • Able to be used for all unwanted behaviors, instead of just barks


  • Slightly higher than average price
  • Requires more effort on your behalf

SportDog NoBark Dog Barking Collar

This dog barking collar comes with built-in training modes. This means that you can choose between user-selected correction levels, progressive correction, and temperament learning. The various programs make training easier on you — simply choose the setting that best suits your pet and let the collar do its work. The device can learn your pet’s unique bark, so it won’t punish them when other dogs make noise. The battery only takes 2 hours to charge and lasts for 200 hours. You can use it on pets that weigh more than 8 pounds and have necks with circumferences between 5” and 22”. It’s also waterproof and submersible up to 25 feet deep.


  • Easy for beginner dog trainers
  • Automatic shutoff after 80 seconds of continuous barking
  • Low battery indicator


  • High price point
  • Shorter than average battery life

Elecane Dog Barking Collar

If you have an exceptionally small dog at home who needs help with nuisance barking, this collar can help. It’s designed to fit pups as little as 4 pounds and with necks as small as 6” in circumference. For larger pets, the compact design offers a comfortable, lightweight alternative to other brands. It corrects barking with vibrations, so your pup will never feel pain while being trained. It’s weather-resistant for walks in the wind, snow, and rain. And the rechargeable battery lasts for up to 14 days.


  • Affordable
  • Comfortable
  • Can be used by dogs of most sizes


  • Training methods and strengths are not adjustable

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dog barking collars safe?

Yes. Most dog barking collars only put out noises or vibrations to correct pet behavior. Even the devices that include shocking are carefully designed to not harm pets, but to simply remind them that their behavior is unacceptable instead.

Do dog barking collars work for all dogs?

Though these products are extremely effective, all dogs are different. Dog barking collars are definitely worth trying, but results are not guaranteed.

Collar versus freestanding anti-barking device: what’s the difference?

Freestanding anti-barking devices work by putting out an undesirable sound when dogs bark. If you have multiple pets, they will all hear this noise, even if they weren’t the ones who barked. Collars produce a more direct result, sending noises, vibrations, or small shocks to only the pet who is nuisance barking.

What do I need to know before training my pet with a dog barking collar?

First, consider the features of the collar you are purchasing. Does it work with vibrations, noises, or shocks? Do you need to choose a level of correction? If so, start at the lowest number and move up as needed until the correction is effective. Does the collar require you to press a button every time correction is needed, or does it have built-in systems to train your pup on its own? Will you have your pet wear the collar all of the time, or only in certain circumstances?

Can dog barking collars be used to correct situational barking?

You can put the collar on your pet when you don’t want them to bark — for example, at the vet’s office or on walks. This would allow your pet to still bark at home, which could be helpful for guard dog situations.

About the Author

Jessica is the proud owner of two dogs: an adorable dalmatian and a very active retriever mix. With all her years of experience caring for her own pups, Jessica hopes to help other dog moms and dads make the most of their time with their furry friends by finding them products that make dog ownership convenient, easy, and fun. As a mom of two, Jessica is always looking for products that are safe for her dog, her kids, and her home.

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